貝克漢姆造訪同濟大學發生踩踏事故 致多人

Beckham visit Tongji University on June 20th. He is scheduled to Tongji University playground to interact with Tongji team and Shen Xin youth team. However, the scene has been out of control before it starts because there are huge crowds of fans there, some climb trees, some turn on the wall, and the guards maintain order hand in hand. As the onlookers at the scene are too excited, there happens stampede. Students, staff and police are injured to varying degrees. As a result, the activity is forced to cancel. David Beckham arriving there to left is less than five minutes. According to reports, there are at least five or six people injured.


David Beckham arrives at the scene, with great popularity. The reporter at the scene sees the scene is packed with fans and audience. There are about a thousand people. Many people climb to the top of the building to watch, or climb over the wall to the stadium. The scene is out of control.


David Beckhamresponds to the iccident through Xinlang blog in 4:39 p.m. I had an incredible response from everyone at Shanghai Tongji University today; sorry I couldn't get out on the pitch to see the teams .It was impossible to get through the massive crowds. I heard there were a few injuries, hope the fans are ok and I wish them a speed recovery.


第十四章 不愧是師傅第十四章 不愧是師傅第八章 擊殺(1)第五章 村子第三章 我來了(3)第七章 衝突大學生寄髒衣服回家洗第四章 毀滅(上)2016年廣州半數學校覆蓋無線網垃圾滲濾液處理工藝現狀淺析第三章 再戰江湖第七章 BOOS第十六章 建好嘍第十章 收我爲徒!醜小鴨50%的希望第十六章 建好嘍第三章 再戰江湖2014公務員面試:如何儀表舉止更得體Remains likely those第三章 再戰江湖在韓中國人民志願軍烈士遺骸回家了第十一章 代價(四)第十四章 升官(三)第一章 墮落的核心第三章 不公第十六章 建好嘍第十四章 不愧是師傅珠海一幼兒園首開粵語教學3 people associated第四章 毀滅(上)面試困境第六章 咽不下幼兒戶外混齡活動中材料投放的幾點思考第十四章 不愧是師傅第七章 衝突番外章 66的屬性第十三章 10級第五章 村子第十四章 升官(三)八方相聲(4)專家稱:狗肉節不合法在韓中國人民志願軍烈士遺骸回家了中國雅虎郵箱今日關閉第八章 代價(一)第十章 收我爲徒!第十二章 升官(一)忽必烈和成吉思汗是什麼關係?忽必烈是因何八方相聲(1)第十四章 升官(三)八方相聲(2)3名體罰孩子的教職工被停職第十五章 膽大大學生寄髒衣服回家洗八方相聲(6)第十四章 升官(三)2016年廣州半數學校覆蓋無線網Remains likely those第六章 任務第十章 代價(三)幼兒戶外混齡活動中材料投放的幾點思考問世間愛爲何物?面試困境八方相聲(11)第十章 收我爲徒!八方相聲(9)50%的希望番外章 66的屬性科學技術的作文CDC says genital her第五章 毀滅(中)八方相聲(8)第七章 BOOS第四章 毀滅(上)第七章 衝突第七章 BOOS第十三章 10級從百草園到三味書屋讀後感忽必烈和成吉思汗是什麼關係?忽必烈是因何第十四章 升官(三)我國首次太空授課第七章 衝突忽必烈和成吉思汗是什麼關係?忽必烈是因何我國首次太空授課第十章 代價(三)如何創造更多時間3 people associated第六章 咽不下第十章 代價(三)50%的希望第十章 收我爲徒!第十五章 膽大珠海一幼兒園首開粵語教學第九章 代價(二)第四章 金玉良言八方相聲(2)醜小鴨八方相聲(7)八方相聲(1)