
茶 . 音


People living in the east love tea,it is as the European are loving in coffee.It is so wonderful to hear the jazz, the pop music.when drinking the fragrance coffee.It is so great when coffee crawl in the intestines.He expresses quickly and noisily in industrial era.He expresses the thinking of happiness in time by western.


The eastern people love tea,the history of drinking tea dates from five thousands years ago .Eastern people revels in tea.Drinking tea is very special.The eastern people pass around tea,they spread tea and tea’s culture with Zheng He boating to Eurape ,Jian Zhen did to Japan.

佛說雲散水流去,寂然天地空。佛法強調空寂。而茶道也是如此。空亦有,有亦是空.或許這是一種心境,一種老子心中一切順其自然的心境.也許這是一種聖人的心境,也是凡人心中的境界.正所謂:世事莫論量.今古都輸夢一場.笑煞利名途上客,幹忙.千丈紅塵兩鬢霜. 於是東方人喜歡喝茶時來點淡定的音樂,在音樂裡洗去世間的憂煩和苦悶,讓一顆心凝於一捧香,一杯茶。

The buddhi** said cloud scatter ,water flow, the world is so lonely.The buddhi** emphasizes on the aloneness.Aloneness is owning,Owning is aloneness.Maybe it is a mood,as Lao Zi said :all should do by its true appearance.Maybe it is saint’ s mood,and it is also a normal people’s dream.As it is :all the things should not evaluate by its quantity,Win or not is just a dream.laugh at the people who are hearted on fame and status,too Busy,the hair turn white.So,eastern people like easy music when drinking tea.Wash us borning and anger.let us pay attention to a cup of tea ,some balsam.


Zhuang Zi respected nature’beauty,motioned that “the universe is free,the earth is free,the people are free.”Tea’s culture in our country stresses on silence .So,hearing some musics from nature is wonderful.All the sounds are nature’s sound.Many instruments’ sound are also nature’s sounds.


Music could move us.So,music can be sad,or generous.


Many maladies are looked as classical,for example,《The river in the Spring night.,《Song about boating in the night》,《plums in the winter》.,《crows playing with water》


The forms of music are many.So,we could see more scences when listening to the plays.Pking play,Yu play ,Drum in Tian Jing ,Yu play in Guang Dong are as another interest.They connect the history with truth,connect the person with the country,connect the tea with the local character.


Pay attention to majority people area.Many people like listening located music when they devote tea to their guests.


Tea mix with music. They match with each other,exchange with histories,and erect another beauty.

茶 . 音


People living in the east love tea,it is as the European are loving in coffee.It is so wonderful to hear the jazz, the pop music.when drinking the fragrance coffee.It is so great when coffee crawl in the intestines.He expresses quickly and noisily in industrial era.He expresses the thinking of happiness in time by western.


The eastern people love tea,the history of drinking tea dates from five thousands years ago .Eastern people revels in tea.Drinking tea is very special.The eastern people pass around tea,they spread tea and tea’s culture with Zheng He boating to Eurape ,Jian Zhen did to Japan.

佛說雲散水流去,寂然天地空。佛法強調空寂。而茶道也是如此。空亦有,有亦是空.或許這是一種心境,一種老子心中一切順其自然的心境.也許這是一種聖人的心境,也是凡人心中的境界.正所謂:世事莫論量.今古都輸夢一場.笑煞利名途上客,幹忙.千丈紅塵兩鬢霜. 於是東方人喜歡喝茶時來點淡定的音樂,在音樂裡洗去世間的憂煩和苦悶,讓一顆心凝於一捧香,一杯茶。

The buddhi** said cloud scatter ,water flow, the world is so lonely.The buddhi** emphasizes on the aloneness.Aloneness is owning,Owning is aloneness.Maybe it is a mood,as Lao Zi said :all should do by its true appearance.Maybe it is saint’ s mood,and it is also a normal people’s dream.As it is :all the things should not evaluate by its quantity,Win or not is just a dream.laugh at the people who are hearted on fame and status,too Busy,the hair turn white.So,eastern people like easy music when drinking tea.Wash us borning and anger.let us pay attention to a cup of tea ,some balsam.


Zhuang Zi respected nature’beauty,motioned that “the universe is free,the earth is free,the people are free.”Tea’s culture in our country stresses on silence .So,hearing some musics from nature is wonderful.All the sounds are nature’s sound.Many instruments’ sound are also nature’s sounds.


Music could move us.So,music can be sad,or generous.


Many maladies are looked as classical,for example,《The river in the Spring night.,《Song about boating in the night》,《plums in the winter》.,《crows playing with water》


The forms of music are many.So,we could see more scences when listening to the plays.Pking play,Yu play ,Drum in Tian Jing ,Yu play in Guang Dong are as another interest.They connect the history with truth,connect the person with the country,connect the tea with the local character.


Pay attention to majority people area.Many people like listening located music when they devote tea to their guests.


Tea mix with music. They match with each other,exchange with histories,and erect another beauty.

茶 . 音


People living in the east love tea,it is as the European are loving in coffee.It is so wonderful to hear the jazz, the pop music.when drinking the fragrance coffee.It is so great when coffee crawl in the intestines.He expresses quickly and noisily in industrial era.He expresses the thinking of happiness in time by western.


The eastern people love tea,the history of drinking tea dates from five thousands years ago .Eastern people revels in tea.Drinking tea is very special.The eastern people pass around tea,they spread tea and tea’s culture with Zheng He boating to Eurape ,Jian Zhen did to Japan.

佛說雲散水流去,寂然天地空。佛法強調空寂。而茶道也是如此。空亦有,有亦是空.或許這是一種心境,一種老子心中一切順其自然的心境.也許這是一種聖人的心境,也是凡人心中的境界.正所謂:世事莫論量.今古都輸夢一場.笑煞利名途上客,幹忙.千丈紅塵兩鬢霜. 於是東方人喜歡喝茶時來點淡定的音樂,在音樂裡洗去世間的憂煩和苦悶,讓一顆心凝於一捧香,一杯茶。

The buddhi** said cloud scatter ,water flow, the world is so lonely.The buddhi** emphasizes on the aloneness.Aloneness is owning,Owning is aloneness.Maybe it is a mood,as Lao Zi said :all should do by its true appearance.Maybe it is saint’ s mood,and it is also a normal people’s dream.As it is :all the things should not evaluate by its quantity,Win or not is just a dream.laugh at the people who are hearted on fame and status,too Busy,the hair turn white.So,eastern people like easy music when drinking tea.Wash us borning and anger.let us pay attention to a cup of tea ,some balsam.


Zhuang Zi respected nature’beauty,motioned that “the universe is free,the earth is free,the people are free.”Tea’s culture in our country stresses on silence .So,hearing some musics from nature is wonderful.All the sounds are nature’s sound.Many instruments’ sound are also nature’s sounds.


Music could move us.So,music can be sad,or generous.


Many maladies are looked as classical,for example,《The river in the Spring night.,《Song about boating in the night》,《plums in the winter》.,《crows playing with water》


The forms of music are many.So,we could see more scences when listening to the plays.Pking play,Yu play ,Drum in Tian Jing ,Yu play in Guang Dong are as another interest.They connect the history with truth,connect the person with the country,connect the tea with the local character.


Pay attention to majority people area.Many people like listening located music when they devote tea to their guests.


Tea mix with music. They match with each other,exchange with histories,and erect another beauty.

茶 . 音


People living in the east love tea,it is as the European are loving in coffee.It is so wonderful to hear the jazz, the pop music.when drinking the fragrance coffee.It is so great when coffee crawl in the intestines.He expresses quickly and noisily in industrial era.He expresses the thinking of happiness in time by western.


The eastern people love tea,the history of drinking tea dates from five thousands years ago .Eastern people revels in tea.Drinking tea is very special.The eastern people pass around tea,they spread tea and tea’s culture with Zheng He boating to Eurape ,Jian Zhen did to Japan.

佛說雲散水流去,寂然天地空。佛法強調空寂。而茶道也是如此。空亦有,有亦是空.或許這是一種心境,一種老子心中一切順其自然的心境.也許這是一種聖人的心境,也是凡人心中的境界.正所謂:世事莫論量.今古都輸夢一場.笑煞利名途上客,幹忙.千丈紅塵兩鬢霜. 於是東方人喜歡喝茶時來點淡定的音樂,在音樂裡洗去世間的憂煩和苦悶,讓一顆心凝於一捧香,一杯茶。

The buddhi** said cloud scatter ,water flow, the world is so lonely.The buddhi** emphasizes on the aloneness.Aloneness is owning,Owning is aloneness.Maybe it is a mood,as Lao Zi said :all should do by its true appearance.Maybe it is saint’ s mood,and it is also a normal people’s dream.As it is :all the things should not evaluate by its quantity,Win or not is just a dream.laugh at the people who are hearted on fame and status,too Busy,the hair turn white.So,eastern people like easy music when drinking tea.Wash us borning and anger.let us pay attention to a cup of tea ,some balsam.


Zhuang Zi respected nature’beauty,motioned that “the universe is free,the earth is free,the people are free.”Tea’s culture in our country stresses on silence .So,hearing some musics from nature is wonderful.All the sounds are nature’s sound.Many instruments’ sound are also nature’s sounds.


Music could move us.So,music can be sad,or generous.


Many maladies are looked as classical,for example,《The river in the Spring night.,《Song about boating in the night》,《plums in the winter》.,《crows playing with water》


The forms of music are many.So,we could see more scences when listening to the plays.Pking play,Yu play ,Drum in Tian Jing ,Yu play in Guang Dong are as another interest.They connect the history with truth,connect the person with the country,connect the tea with the local character.


Pay attention to majority people area.Many people like listening located music when they devote tea to their guests.


Tea mix with music. They match with each other,exchange with histories,and erect another beauty.

茶 . 音


People living in the east love tea,it is as the European are loving in coffee.It is so wonderful to hear the jazz, the pop music.when drinking the fragrance coffee.It is so great when coffee crawl in the intestines.He expresses quickly and noisily in industrial era.He expresses the thinking of happiness in time by western.


The eastern people love tea,the history of drinking tea dates from five thousands years ago .Eastern people revels in tea.Drinking tea is very special.The eastern people pass around tea,they spread tea and tea’s culture with Zheng He boating to Eurape ,Jian Zhen did to Japan.

佛說雲散水流去,寂然天地空。佛法強調空寂。而茶道也是如此。空亦有,有亦是空.或許這是一種心境,一種老子心中一切順其自然的心境.也許這是一種聖人的心境,也是凡人心中的境界.正所謂:世事莫論量.今古都輸夢一場.笑煞利名途上客,幹忙.千丈紅塵兩鬢霜. 於是東方人喜歡喝茶時來點淡定的音樂,在音樂裡洗去世間的憂煩和苦悶,讓一顆心凝於一捧香,一杯茶。

The buddhi** said cloud scatter ,water flow, the world is so lonely.The buddhi** emphasizes on the aloneness.Aloneness is owning,Owning is aloneness.Maybe it is a mood,as Lao Zi said :all should do by its true appearance.Maybe it is saint’ s mood,and it is also a normal people’s dream.As it is :all the things should not evaluate by its quantity,Win or not is just a dream.laugh at the people who are hearted on fame and status,too Busy,the hair turn white.So,eastern people like easy music when drinking tea.Wash us borning and anger.let us pay attention to a cup of tea ,some balsam.


Zhuang Zi respected nature’beauty,motioned that “the universe is free,the earth is free,the people are free.”Tea’s culture in our country stresses on silence .So,hearing some musics from nature is wonderful.All the sounds are nature’s sound.Many instruments’ sound are also nature’s sounds.


Music could move us.So,music can be sad,or generous.


Many maladies are looked as classical,for example,《The river in the Spring night.,《Song about boating in the night》,《plums in the winter》.,《crows playing with water》


The forms of music are many.So,we could see more scences when listening to the plays.Pking play,Yu play ,Drum in Tian Jing ,Yu play in Guang Dong are as another interest.They connect the history with truth,connect the person with the country,connect the tea with the local character.


Pay attention to majority people area.Many people like listening located music when they devote tea to their guests.


Tea mix with music. They match with each other,exchange with histories,and erect another beauty.
